Our Denomination

It is inclusive in its membership, welcoming all persons without regard to race, color, national origin or economic condition.
The CME Church was organized December 16, 1870 as the Colored Methodist Episcopal Church in America. In May 1954, the name was changed to the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. The CME church was organized by former slaves who had been members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, but who upon their freedom, requested their own separate and independent religious organization.
The CME church is the only historically independent black Methodist body organized with the full cooperation, support, ecclesiastical, and legal authority of the white denomination out of which it came. Why is this important? It demonstrates that the CME Church was organized with a peaceful separation.
The Official Website of Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, www.thecmechurch.org
The Second Episcopal District, www.secondepiscopaldistrict.org
The Cincinnati Dayton Indianapolis District, www.cdidistrict.org